Hooray for Hollywood: Movie Night

We used to get dressed up and “go to the movies”, maybe stop for dinner or get ice cream. We’d stand in a line and grope our way to our seats while trying not to spill the popcorn. Now we can order takeout from our smartphones and wander to the living room in our comfy clothes and the only thing we fight over is who gets the prized corner of the sofa, feet up and angled towards the TV.

Whether we’re watching on a hide-away flatscreen or in a sprawling home entertainment room, movies bring us together. They become part of our cultural vocabulary, a language we can share with friends of every stripe or even perfect strangers. Our tastes might range widely, but there’s one thing we can agree on: we love a good story, and movies have the power to transport and, for a couple of hours, unify us.      


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Photography by Pam Connolly

Roxanne Hanna

Founder & Creative Director of Hanna Creative Co.


An American Story


why we love a white kitchen (It Just Works)