What’s Behind the Door?

Halloween kicks off the holiday season with a devilish bang. Who doesn’t like the theater of dressing up as someone else, running around in the dark with friends, or eating too much candy? 

For my seven-year-old self, the real treat was the anticipation of peeking inside a neighbor’s door, the chance to see how other people lived. 

Decorating is a lot like that. We enter into someone’s home to discover the untold stories behind closed doors, then find creative ways to bring them to life. This client appreciates a good joke, so I decorated their entryway for Halloween all year round. And, true confession, I am the client and this is my front door. Trick or treat?!


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“Two Jack o’ Lanterns” by Todd Norsten, oil on canvas

Photography by Pam Connolly

Roxanne Hanna

Founder & Creative Director of Hanna Creative Co.


Gathering Together


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